( Note: this will only show up on Sept 10th, and only once per user ) Chronicles of Kulardenu: February 2005

Band press kits

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Married women...

Why does it seem they are attracted to me? I swear every time I turn around I have another one flirting with me. I have a nagging fear that if there is a hell I have a hot reservation waiting there just for me. Also the fear of getting there too early pops up now & then... Yikes!

Damn! And I don't look good in kevlar...

Creative Commons License
Creations by Kulardenu by Gary H Jensen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.kulardenu.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at kulardenu@kulardenu.com.