( Note: this will only show up on Sept 10th, and only once per user ) Chronicles of Kulardenu: Terri Schiavo dies amid legal, ethical battle ...

Band press kits

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo dies amid legal, ethical battle ...

How I wonder, does Dr. Jack Kervorkian compares to this case? Was this not an assisted suicide?

Somebody had to have un-plugged her feeding tube!

And the Judges & Politicians that let this happen are they no less a part of this?

This whole ordeal was a tragedy all the way around and a terrible ethical decision to make.

Yet in my opinion this was a horrible way to die and even as extreme as Dr. K is I think his way of administering death would have held more dignity and less pain for this poor soul!

What a Barbaric Race we have become! :(


Blogger Nam LaMore said...

the real discussion now begins: the right to live/die. it's such taboo to talk about death and dieing in our culture, that george w, congress, etc were all in on it to put the kibosh on the death discussion, but it only fueled the fire and became the catalyst for the discussion.

5:04 PM  
Blogger I.M. Kulardenu said...

I'm afraid now that she is gone the uglyness of politics will really start. Political pandering over such a human tragic event will lessen the humanity in all of us!

Ironic but it is so easy to be on both sides of this, many positions that make good sense, yet no real clear solutions...

The mysteries of life & death... who are we to pretend to understand?

6:21 PM  

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