( Note: this will only show up on Sept 10th, and only once per user ) Chronicles of Kulardenu: Million Dollar Baby great movie but ...

Band press kits

Friday, April 01, 2005

Million Dollar Baby great movie but ...

I almost blew my chances with a beautiful woman over this one! Gulp!

I was adamant about going to see this over her pick of a flick. Her father had pretty much entered into similar conditions as the lead character in this movie. Had we gone to this then she quite possibly would have hated me for life!

I had not realized the similarities until just seeing this recently. Very intense, emotional, and eerie on how it coincides with recent national news events as well. I won't elaborate if you have not seen this movie.

What a great movie this was though, well acted. Hillary Swank earned her Oscar! She was awesome as was Eastwood & Freeman.

Well worth seeing but please! Do Not take an emotional woman to this one! Man that would have been a major blunder for me! She's a Major Hottie so I'm scanning the reviews for all the happy feel good flicks I can find! ;op


Blogger Ian C. said...

This should be on the poster:

Million Dollar Baby = not a great date movie.

Try The Upside of Anger, maybe.

11:34 AM  

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