( Note: this will only show up on Sept 10th, and only once per user ) Chronicles of Kulardenu: April 2005

Band press kits

Monday, April 25, 2005

Met a cute folksinger at the Detroiter Bar...

Real sweet singer live. If you ever get the pleasure give her a listen. Had a fun time meeting her...

Amy Heard arranged, produced and recorded her first CD, "Sister to Sister", at Talent Live Studios in Canton, Michigan. An awe-inspiring rendition of a beautiful angel's music, it is a tribute to her younger sister, Danielle Heard (author of the music on the CD). Tragically killed in an automobile accident at the age of eighteen, Danielle's spirit will now live on through her sister. Heard is currently working on her own materials. She will be recording her second CD, "Meant To Be", which will include her music along with more of Danielle's music. For more information, please visit pinktennisshoes.com.


Friday, April 22, 2005

Paul Westerberg is God ... Going to a Talent Show

And that is why I'm going to see him! Scored tix and am going to have a blast!

In my waxed up hair and my painted shoes
Got an offer that you might refuse
Tonight, tonight, we're gonna take a stab
Come on along, we'll grab a cab

We ain't much to look at so
Close your eyes, here we go
We're playin' at the talent show
Playin' at the talent show
Come on along, here we go
Playin' at the talent show
Check us out, here we go
Playin' at the talent show

Well we got our guitars and we got thumb picks
And we go on after some lip-synch chicks
We're feelin' good from the pills we took
Oh, baby, don't gimme that look

We ain't much to look at so
Close your eyes, here we go
We're playin' at the talent show
Playin' at the talent show
Come on along, here we go
Playin' at the talent show
Hop a ride, here we go
Playin' at the talent show

Well it's the biggest thing in my life I guess
Look at us all, we're nervous wrecks
Hey, we go on next

Talent show
Talent show
Playin' at the talent show
Playin' at the talent show

Wish us luck if you can't go
Playin' at the talent show
An empty seat in the front row
We might even win this time, guys, you never know

It's too late to turn back, here we go

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Some see Virgin Mary in underpass stain... Will the Cubs win the World Series? ...

Truly this must be the sign that we are done suffering and will at long last reverse the curse...

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- A steady stream of the faithful and the curious, many carrying flowers and candles, have flocked to an expressway underpass for a view of a yellow and white stain on a concrete wall that some believe is an image of the Virgin Mary.


Saturday, April 16, 2005

WoW I won a free piercing ...

I was the 5th caller at a local radio station 92.5 The Castle (cool request station in this land devoid of culture) and won 2 movie passes certificates for a cafe & a free Piercing! Whoo! Hoo!

Now to decide where to put it!

Maybe I should have a online poll on where to stick it? Ya Think?

Funny we were talking at work about getting certain areas enhanced and I was offered by these ladies to do it for free on their button machine! Gulp! It has a BIG NEEDLE!

Maybe I can talk a nice lady into taking a before & after pole?

Err... or did I mean poll?


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Where are you my Muse? ...

Finding companionship in life is one thing.

But my great sadness is my inability to find the woman who can share the same love for music that I do.

Having one that enjoys similar musical interests for me has always been the hardest things to find and yet in my soul it is something I earn for.

The thought of never, ever finding My Muse, My Inspiration, leaves me cold & sad! :o(

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Josh Rouse & Amy Correia Great concert in Ann Arbor MI ...

Love this guys tunes!
Got to shake his hand and even made the suggestion for "Just Like Nebraska" for his encore and he did it! I was geeked. Hell the band even had to re-tune to do it! Can't understand why this guy is not more popular!

Peeps get your shit together and give a listen! Music stream here. Two cool tunes from new album Nashville "It's The Nighttime" & " My Love Has Gone"

Amy Correia ...
What a sweetheart!
Beautiful voice!
Definitely checking out her new CD!
Funny a friend noticed "she looks like a dark haired Paris Hilton" With more talent he claimed and I had to chime in "with a whole lot less connections too!" Well it won't be long and Amy will be whopping the shit out of that rich bitch!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Julia Roberts more than a pretty woman ...

Don't know how this movie got under the radar on me? I was impressed!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I come as a pilgrim of love, of truth and of hope ...

Pope John Paul II Dies at 84
Pontiff Worked Tirelessly for Peace, Reached Out to Heal Historic Rifts ...

I am not a Catholic (Lutheran=closet catholic) nor am I overly religious, but strangely I feel a compelling affinity to this man.

Being very liberal in nature there are many things he stands for that I despise yet I believe in my heart he was a good man.

And in this day & age it is a nomination for Sainthood in my book!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Million Dollar Baby great movie but ...

I almost blew my chances with a beautiful woman over this one! Gulp!

I was adamant about going to see this over her pick of a flick. Her father had pretty much entered into similar conditions as the lead character in this movie. Had we gone to this then she quite possibly would have hated me for life!

I had not realized the similarities until just seeing this recently. Very intense, emotional, and eerie on how it coincides with recent national news events as well. I won't elaborate if you have not seen this movie.

What a great movie this was though, well acted. Hillary Swank earned her Oscar! She was awesome as was Eastwood & Freeman.

Well worth seeing but please! Do Not take an emotional woman to this one! Man that would have been a major blunder for me! She's a Major Hottie so I'm scanning the reviews for all the happy feel good flicks I can find! ;op

Creative Commons License
Creations by Kulardenu by Gary H Jensen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.kulardenu.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at kulardenu@kulardenu.com.